Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Legal Nurse Consultants Weigh In On Mass Tort Litigation
According to the article, there are several kinds of mass tort litigation that can easily involve legal nurse consultants. These include pharmaceuticals, medical devices and environmental and/or catastrophic events.
In each of these types of cases, legal nurse consultants may be used to amass evidence, provide medical insight and deliver expert reports.
Kaplan Continuing Education offers a Legal Nurse Consulting Certificate Program for RNs seeking to expand their career. The program takes 12 months and is available online.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Forensic Nurses in Allen County Texas for FACE
In March 2011, 90 year old Mickey Rooney testified before Congress on elder abuse he alleges he received at the hands of his stepson and stepson’s wife. The article notes that the Senate Aging Committee is seeking creation of a new Office of Elder Justice within the U.S. Department of Justice, along with funding to beef up investigation in elder abuse cases.
With America’s population aging at an aggressive rate, these issues are of concern to forensic nurses, geriatric care managers, life care planners and many other healthcare professionals.
Read the entire article at the website for the newspaper.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Quality for Life – The ASQ’s Campaign to Foster Sharing Among Quality Professionals
The “Quality for Life” website features a section where Quality Professionals are invited to share how they make a difference at work, in their personal lives, and through volunteer efforts.
The website also features a section for Quality Tools and the Quality for Life Blog, as well as social media and videos. This website is about Quality Professionals and for Quality Professionals and it is already populated with a variety of inspirational and interesting stories.
Check it out and submit one of your stories to the website. It’s a great opportunity for you to talk a little about what you do – and learn from your peers.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
The Financial Planning Coalition – Latest News
In a press release from March 29, 2011, the Financial Planning Coalition urges congress to support the SEC efforts and provide full funding for the agency. These measures are being taken to ensure investors are protected from further “Bernie Madoff-like” scams. They further seek to support that any funding for the agency comes from those whom the commissions regulates, not from taxpayers.
The Coalition was formed in order to support the nearly 75,000 financial planning professionals in the US. Kaplan Continuing Education provides a program for those seeking training and support in becoming a financial planner. To learn more about Kaplan’s Certificate in Financial Planning program, visit the website or call 866-542-4042.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
What Happens When The Supply Chain Links Are Broken?
In an article published on March 29, the ASQ Weekly sat down with supply chain management experts to discuss the potential far reaching consequences of the recent Japanese earthquake and tsunami disaster on the worldwide economy. Four different highly credentialed and experienced quality professionals contributed on a variety of topics such as the predicting the major economic ramifications, how contingency planning and JIT could have played a part, how tools such as FMEA and RASIC charts could help and considering the big picture.
One of the key industries that will be hardest hit by the catastrophe will be American automakers. The experts note that many quality and lean standards practices were overlooked – in favor of short-sighted gains. The contributors speculate this will put the industry at further risk as it struggles to deal with the shortages it will face.
In the conclusion of the article, it’s noted that it would do great honor to those affected by this unforeseeable catastrophe to look at the effects closely and learn from them.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Financial Advisor Support – NAPFA Webinars for Consumers
This series of webinars is free and delivered online, making them highly accessible to the average consumer. Upcoming webinars will cover topics like: Financial Planning for the New Family, How to Decipher Financial Acronyms and Determining Your Investment Approach. Each of these webinars will be presented by a NAPFA-registered financial advisor.
Past webinars, which are available in the archives, include: Kids & Money, What is Financial Planning, Protecting What You Have and Investments: The Basics.
To view the full list of webinars, both past and upcoming, you can visit the NAPFA website.
We think this seminar series would be a great addition to any Financial Planners offerings for their clients. Why not pass them along to your clients today?
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
First Ladies Urge Support of American Military Families

As their husbands, Barack Obama and Joe Biden looked on, First Ladies Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden announced a national initiative to support and honor military and their families., a website community for military spouses, featured an article on this new intiative on April 12. In the article, the First Ladies note that their efforts will be based on conversations with military families and will focus on three key areas of need identified by that group: employment, education and wellness.
When is not reporting on the latest news, they are also providing support in the form of community sharing, care packages, and endless resources for families and spouses of those in the military.
One of the government supported education initiatives already in place, the MyCAA program, provides government funding for military spouses to further their education in order to seek or improve their career. To view a full list of the online business, healthcare and IT programs offered by Kaplan Continuing Education that are eligible for this funding, click here.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The Professional Association of Healthcare Office Management 23rd Annual Conference
The PAHCOM 23rd Annual Conference will happen this year on October 18-20 in Clearwater Beach Florida.
The conference schedule includes a keynote presentation from Carol Clendinen, RN, LMHC, CAP. Carol is a psychotherapist who has taken an approach to interacting with physicians and staff that is less stressful and more productive – and her message will inspire you to do that same.
The conference also features many educational sessions, hands-on workshops and exhibitor showcases.
This year, PAHCOM has prepared a video for you to show your employer detailing the benefits of sending you to the event. What a great idea!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Cisco’s Latest Announcement – Powerful Enough For Every Person in China!

When Cisco unveiled its new CRS-3, a significant upgrade from the CRS-1 router, they promised to “forever change the internet”. But, does the router live up to the hype?
In an article at CNET, the company is quoted as describing the new router as having enough power to handle “322 terabits of traffic per second - or simultaneous video calls for every person in China”.
With video being one of the hottest features of the internet today, this new router will allow the largest ISPs to increase their capacity so that new video-based applications can be offered to the average internet consumer.

Announcements like this from Cisco effect the entire internet industry – from simple website and application development all the way up to the backbone access providers. Through devices that push the envelope like this, the whole industry grows.
We know news like this may not seem relevant to the average internet user, or even people interested in e-commerce, web design or internet security, but every one of those people will be affected by this latest innovation.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Advanced Medical Coding Certificate Announcement
The Advanced Medical Coding Certificate, from Kaplan Continuing Education (KCE), is now available to help Coders meet those challenges. This new certificate program has been designed to help prepare Coders for mastery-level coding certification exams.
The courses in this program cover areas like regulatory guidelines, compliance issues, legal issues and ethical issues that have an impact on the health care reimbursement system. The program also covers advanced topics like anatomy and physiology, health sciences, diagnostic and procedural coding and more.
For companies interested in continuing education for their Coding employees, certificate programs like this provide comprehensive training.
As we say here at Kaplan Continuing Education – take the first step to a more rewarding career. If you’re interested in learning more about the Advanced Medical Coding Certificate program, please visit or call us at 866-721-7480.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Nothing To Be Ashamed Of…
The article, “How to get the most out of executive coaching”, highlights some key reasons why executives seek professional coaching. These include the need to effectively manage a diverse staff, keeping up with emerging technology and being prepared to face uncertain environments.
As the title suggests, the article also includes some tips for how to get the most out of your executive coaching experience by providing some insights into what you can expect from your coach.
For this emerging field, articles like this provide a sneak peek of what an executive can hope to achieve by opening themselves to professional coaching. They also help the field to be understood and accepted by the general public. This can only be a good thing for the industry.
Monday, March 14, 2011
The Latest Trends in Project Management
In the article, the author mentions that cost-conscious clients are starting to demand greater accountability and more predictability in terms of potential outcomes and fees from lawyers offices. Without a reasonable way to do that, law offices are left without a way to respond to those expectations.
This is where project managers come in - with their discipline for accountability and planning. One law firm who implemented a project management department, developed it in-house with a PMI certified consultant and based it on PMI principles. Since its implementation, they’ve even started using it as a differentiator in their advertising.
Changing the legal culture will take time, as with any industry. But it’s interesting to note that project management professionals may have a new industry to work in soon. The PMI certification that you may need to target jobs like this can be challenging to achieve. Kaplan Continuing Education provides a certificate program for Project Management that may help you stand apart from the other candidates.
For more information, visit our website or call 866-542-4042.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
April Seminar from Physician Office Managers Association of America
This seminar event, planned for April 14 – 15, will feature two full day schedules for learning, networking, support and vendor expo at the Sheraton Safari Hotels and Suites in Lake Buena Vista Florida.
As every professional knows, it’s vitally important to stay on top of what is happening today. It’s also important to keep your skills sharp – and this seminar is designed to do just that.
In addition to the seminar, medical office management professionals may also want to look into our Medical Office Management Certificate program. With courses like Medical Language for the Medical Office Manager and Understanding Health Insurance Principles, the 12-month program can help you stay abreast and get prepared for furthering your career.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Six Sigma Bowling! Huh?
Now Falk is bringing the same process improvement to the sport of bowling. After successes working with large corporations like Lockheed Martin, General Electric and Siemens, Falk began applying the same ISO and Zero Defects strategies to his tennis coaching. Now, he promises to apply the same processes to bowling, with the goal of producing 99.9% success rates.
Kaplan Continuing Education provides certificate programs in Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma Green Belt. Not only will they help you in your professional career, but maybe you can figure out a way to apply them to your sports or hobbies, too.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Consumer Reports Comments on Financial Planning Industry Studies
The reason for this is that both this study and a report by the Government Accountability office show that most consumers have no idea about the different standards and regulations that people dispensing financial advice must adhere to.
FINRA, the financial industry’s self regulating organization, issued a statement noting that “investors deserve the same level of protection regardless of whether they are dealing with a broker or investment advisor”.
For a full article regarding these two reports, you can visit the Consumer Reports website.
How Important is Social Media To Project Managers?
So it’s no surprise that Kevin Eyres, managing director for LinkedIn Europe, has been announced as the keynote speaker for this year’s PMI Global Conference 2011 which will take place in Dublin, Ireland at the Convention Centre Dublin, May 9-12. According to the announcement, “Eyres will draw from his experience with one of the world’s largest professionally focused social networks to address how the use of social media can enhance the value project managers bring to their organisations.”
The PMI Global Congress 2011 will take place in Dublin, Ireland at the Convention Centre Dublin, May 9-12.
The #1 Mistake PMs Make in A Phone Interview…
She suggests that you should have some anecdotes prepared that illustrate your value. Armed with three specific situations in your current or previous job that show how you effectively solved a problem or attained company goals can really help you get noticed.
Some other ways to be prepared for a phone interview include remembering to take it seriously – in other words – just because it’s over the phone, don’t take it lightly. Be prepared, schedule an appointment time and treat it as if it were a face to face. The article even suggests dressing for the call, because although no one can see you – YOU will feel more professional and it will come through in your presence.
And remember, when you’re looking for a job, employers consider credentials and your professional education. Visit the Kaplan Continuing Education website to learn more about how we can help support your professional career.
The 2011 NAPGCM 27th Annual Conference – Early Bird Registration Now Open

This year’s conference will feature presentations, workshops and of course, opportunities to network with your peers. While you gain essential knowledge to help keep you up to date, you can also build invaluable relationships.
Sessions and workshops include:
Spousal Caregiving and Passages in Care Giving – Turning Chaos into Confidence
Adding Value to Your GCM Practice with Home Health Care Specialists
Healthcare Reform and Care Management: How to Capitalize on Government Incentives for Coordinated Care
How Health Professionals Can Help Prevent Elder Financial Exploitation: A Workshop for GCMs
Elder Mediation: Role and Opportunities for Care Manager
If you’re interested in registering for the event, you can visit the NAPGCM website for more information.
Friday, February 18, 2011
PMI Project of the Year Award – Deadline March 1, 2011

As a Project Management professional, you already know about the Project Management Institute. But, did you know that you can submit a project to win the PMI Project of the Year Award?
This award is given based on a completed project which exhibits exemplary execution of project management. The project, project manager and entire team are recognized for their contribution.
You can view this PDF to see the official guidelines, entire contest details, including entry criteria, judging criteria and more.
Good luck to all the entries!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
AHIMA Coding Resources & Links
Check out the Coding Resources and Links page at the AHIMA website. This page has a wealth of information to support your professional growth and keep you aware of changes.
You don’t notice it at first, but you need to click on the “tabs” that appear on the page to reveal the information. Once you do, you’ll see best practices, publications, external source material and FAQs - all compiled into a single web page for your future reference. Definitely “bookmark” worthy!
We hope you find this link helpful – and share it with your Coding colleagues.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Check Out Our Latest Program - Web Design and Development Certificate

Kaplan Continuing Education (KCE) announces the new Web Design and Development Certificate program that helps individuals prepare for career opportunities including user interface design, building websites, creating web applications, eCommerce, internet marketing, and more.
The Web Design and Development Certificate with Kaplan Continuing Education (KCE)
offers three online tracks:
- Web Development Foundations Track
- Website Developer Track
- Web Application Developer Track
Visit KCE’s Web Design and Development Certificate webpage for more information or call us at 866.542.4042.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Dental Office Management Certificate

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Dental Office Managers and other occupations in the dental field are some of the fastest growing careers with long-term national employment projected to increase through 2018.
In as little as 6 months, you can complete Kaplan Continuing Education’s (KCE) Dental Office Management Certificate, and be on your way to a career in the dental field.
KCE’s Dental Office Management Certificate will prepare you to manage dental and medical records, create cost-effective practices, master dental terminology, provide services an efficient office, and examine billing and coding practices.
For more information about KCE’s Dental Office Management Certificate or other Continuing Education Certificates, visit or call us at 866.542.4042.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Medical Office Management Certificate

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for quality healthcare has increased the need for experienced and highly trained medical office professionals.
Medical office managers provide administrative services crucial for efficiency in physician’s offices, clinics, dental offices, medical labs and other health care facilities.
Kaplan Continuing Education’s (KCE) Medial Office Management Certificate can help you pursue a career in this the medical field.
For more information about KCE’s Medical Office Management Certificate or other Continuing Education Certificates, visit or Call us at 866.542.4042.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Education & Career Fair – Ft. Drum Base, NY
Kaplan Continuing Education is an approved participant in the Military Spouse Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) program which offers tuition assistance military spouses pursuing further education and certificate programs.
If you would like to attend please visit or call Al Lewis, the Kaplan Continuing Education Representative for this event, at 954.649.6818 for more information. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Computer Security Certificate
Kaplan Solutions’ Computer Security Certificate prepares employees for CISSP Certification in order to provide better network security for your company or organization.
IT professionals or employers interested in the Computer Security Certificate or other online career training programs offered by Kaplan Continuing Education please visit or call us at 866.542.4042 for more information.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
KCE’s Health Care Certificate Programs
Whether you are interested in dentistry, forensics, geriatric care, legal nursing, medical billing, medical coding, medical transcription, or the pharmacy or veterinary field, KCE has a certificate program for you.
For more information about our Health Care Certificate Programs visit or call us at 866.542.4042.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Upcoming Spouses Events in California
We are proud to start 2011 with two upcoming Spouses Events at the Travis AFB in California. The two events each have a different theme and KCE extends an invitation to anyone interested in attending.
The first event will be on 1/12/11 and will focus on the theme “New Year, New Goals…We Can Help.” At the top of many people’s list of New Year’s Resolutions this year is to get an education which can further your career, KCE can help.
The second event will be on 1/17/11 and will focus on “Spouse Employment Briefing.”
Both events will be beneficial for all spouses. If you are interested in attending either event please visit or call us at 866.542.4042 for more information.