Monday, February 21, 2011

The #1 Mistake PMs Make in A Phone Interview…

Can you guess what the #1 mistake Project Managers make in a phone interview? According to a recent article at the PMI website, it’s “being too vague, generic and abstract in their answers”, notes Lucy Cherkasets Montin, director of training services at Clarity Media Group.

She suggests that you should have some anecdotes prepared that illustrate your value. Armed with three specific situations in your current or previous job that show how you effectively solved a problem or attained company goals can really help you get noticed.

Some other ways to be prepared for a phone interview include remembering to take it seriously – in other words – just because it’s over the phone, don’t take it lightly. Be prepared, schedule an appointment time and treat it as if it were a face to face. The article even suggests dressing for the call, because although no one can see you – YOU will feel more professional and it will come through in your presence.

And remember, when you’re looking for a job, employers consider credentials and your professional education. Visit the Kaplan Continuing Education website to learn more about how we can help support your professional career.