In an article dated April 8, 2008, Money Magazine ranked financial advisors as the best profession to have in a recession based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics' list of fastest growing occupations combined with PayScale’s projections of white-collar jobs with the best combination of high salaries and high security. According to these statistics, employment for financial advisers is growing much faster than average for all occupations through the year 2016 at a rate of 41% and median income is expected to grow to $74,000 annually.
Why is Demand for CFP’s Growing Despite Recession?
oDemographic shifts - baby boomers retiring and are looking to protects their assets with investment and retirement plans planners offer
o13.8 million households expected to retire over the next 10 years
oThose households have $4.4 trillion in assets, or about a quarter of all financial assets in the country.
oRelatively few baby boomers have company pensions to supplement savings and Social Security income meaning a more important role for 401K investments.
Baby boomers are also facing:
-Increasing health care costs
-Longer life expectancies
-The uncertainty of financial markets
Kaplan Continuing Education (KCE) offers students the option of obtaining their CFP education on site, on campus, or online.
•Accelerated Traditional Classroom – this 9 month traditional classroom program combines pre-study with classroom instruction taught in major metro areas throughout the US.
•Accelerated Virtual Classroom – this 9 month virtual classroom program is delivered via the web by a live instructor. Playback feature allows you to make up missed classes and review key lectures.
•Self-Paced Online Classroom – this 12 month interactive, online program features discussion boards and email. Coursework is available 24/ 7 so students can study anytime, anywhere.
•University Partnership Program – in partnership with prestigious universities across the country, this 9 or 12 month comprehensive program features live lectures and comprehensive case studies.
For more information on KCE's Certificate in Financial Planning program, visit http://www.kaplancontinuingeducation.com/bf/FinancialPlanning.aspx.
To view the full Money Magazine Article, visit: http://money.cnn.com/2008/04/01/pf/best_careers.moneymag/index.htm?postversion=2008040809
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