Friday, December 4, 2009

Distance Education Prepares You for the Working World

Distance learning students are better able to work remotely and use technology to communicate and collaborate, two skills that are becoming more and more necessary in the working world.

In order to test this, Cisco Systems conducted a research study to test the productivity of employees who work remotely. During the study, Cisco replaced offices and cubicles with comfy couches and quiet lounge areas. Employees were allowed to choose their work space or work remotely, the same choice that distance learning students are faced with. The study showed an increase in productivity and an overall increase in satisfaction among employees.

Distance learners are at an advantage - they already know how to work remotely, use technology for communication purposes and remain productive without direct supervision. Distance learners bring their independence and competence with them to the workplace.

As businesses are becoming more global, many employees are working remotely and communicating with each other using the internet and other technology. Distance learners are one step ahead of the game because these were the same strategies they used and perfected in college.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Continuing Education on Your Time on The Boss's Dime

Nursing, education, IT, business and communications are among the leading fields offering employer paid educational advancement.

Whether in the form of a degree or certificate, these fields are seeing more and more employers footing the bill for their employee's education. Employers in these fields see tuition assistance or reimbursement as a perk which helps career motivation and ensures that employees will stay with the company for years in the future.

The 2009 Employee Benefits Survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management found that 63% of surveyed employers offer undergraduate educational assistance and 59% offer graduate educational assistance. Further, only 7 percent of employers who offer educational assistance plan to reduce or eliminate the benefits in the coming year. This proves that employer funded educational assistance is here to stay. This mutual educational experience leads to more satisfied employees with cutting-edge, innovative ideas which, in turn, benefits the employer.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Online Universities as Credible as Traditional Universities

New research shows that corporations are increasingly hiring applicants with online degrees, indicating that online degrees are being viewed more favorably.

Industry Market Trends recently reported that 76% of Human Resources professionals view online degrees more favorably today than they did 5 years ago, with 58% saying online degrees are equally as credible as degrees from a traditional, brick and mortar university.

This comparison is also evident in employer-funded tuition reimbursements. 95% of these Human Resources professionals noted no difference in tuition assistance for employees attending traditional or online universities.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Online Education Continues to Expand

Janice Barnwell, 44, wanted to boost her career by obtaining a master's degree in business; the working mother went against her prior experience with a brick and mortar school and chose an online university for the convenience and low cost. Her educational experience exceeded her expectations and her employer paid for her to take four more online courses to further sharpen her skills.

"At first I was very intimidated (by taking classes remotely). It's something I've never done," said Barnwell. "But it quickly changed for me because the interaction I had online with my classmates and professors felt real."

The online education sector has been growing at a rate of about 20% per year. Today, 1:4 students take at least some college courses online, up from 1:10 in 2002. Two million students, many older than the typical student age range of 18-22 years, take all of their courses online.

President Barack Obama pledged $500 million for online courses and materials as part of a multi-pronged plan aimed at expanding access to college.

29% of U.S. adults have a college degree and only about 40% of Americans who start college, graduate with a degree. Much of this is attributed to the rising tuition costs of brick and mortar schools which increase by about 8% each year.

Jeff Conlon, chief executive of Kaplan Higher Education with some 59,000 online students, said traditional colleges could not meet Obama's goals for higher education "Obama wants to make us first again by 2020," he said. "In order to do that, we need to create 63 million college graduates over that period. The higher education system as constructed will come up 16 million degrees short. There's not capacity in the system."

The cost at Kaplan for a four-year college degree is around $65,000, compared to up to $150,000 or more at a private college.

By studying online, Barnwell saved on the time and travel to the university nearest her New Jersey home. Her online tuition was less than $30,000, one-third the cost of the university.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Online Professional Continuing Education Programs

Many people wonder if online education is right for them. Kaplan Continuing Education helps people who are interested in increasing their professional development and setting academic and career goals. All courses in the program are designed to give the student a sense of community by bringing other students and faculty together to collaborate and exchange ideas.

Online Education to Grow Your Career Options

Increase your marketability and earning potential by considering a continuing education program. Kaplan Continuing Education provides many different options to help you afford the investment of increasing your qualifications through education. Our academic advisors guide students in making the right choices about tuition and payments.

Advantages of Getting a Professional Certificate from Kaplan Continuing Education

Kaplan Continuing Education provides programs for students to earn professional certificates in today's growing fields. Our advisors help students accomplish their goals and our online classes offer the flexibility needed to study at your own pace, on your own time.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Kaplan Continuing Education on YouTube!

Kaplan Continuing Education is now on YouTube! There are 3 videos featured on the channel to give people an idea on what Kaplan Continuing Education offers.

If you have a YouTube account, click the yellow subscribe button on the Kaplan Continuing Education YouTube channel so you'll be notified when we put up new videos!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

KCE Launches New Online Professional Certificate Programs

Kaplan Continuing Education (KCE), a leading provider of online continuing education, has launched three new web-based professional certificate programs designed to prepare students to work in the competitive fields industries of medical transcription, medical office specialization and business management.

For more information on these programs, visit the Kaplan Continuing Education website.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

IT Sector Optimistic About 2009

In today's recession, it's hard to find a sector where business is faring well. However, the IT sector is doing just that and has even bigger plans for 2009. 

An astounding 83% of business owners in the information and communications technology sector report business is going “very well”, according to a small business survey.

The latest MYOB Small Business survey also reveals that 68% of owners in the IT industry are optimistic about the future, compared to the national average of 61%.

While 46% of businesses said they expect to be performing better over the year, that number jumps to 48% in the IT industry. And while 37% expect to invest more into the business over the next six months, an average of 46% in the IT sector expect to spend more to grow their business.

The news for employment is also good. While only 14% of businesses intend to hire more workers in the coming months, 16% of IT businesses expect to increase staff numbers.

It seems the IT sector is one of the few industries out there that has proven itself recession-proof. With IT career training from Kaplan Continuing Education you can be certified for a career in the Information Technology industry. 

Friday, January 2, 2009

Online Education, A Busy Woman's Best Friend

More and more women are seeing Online Education as a way to pursue educational goals they never thought possible in their busy lives. 

Many women struggle to find time to attend a brick and mortar institution while juggling a full-time job and a family. Mothers, Wives and Career Women are all turning to online education to better their minds and qualifications. 

Online Education is the perfect solution for stay-at-home moms and business women alike. Women across America are turning to online education and adding "Student" to their long list of titles. 

Who says we can't do everything? We're Women!